The divine feminine mirror
The divine feminine mirror

the divine feminine mirror

In addition, maintain a gratitude journal to help you heighten the positive vibrations during the full moon. After that, come up with full moon rituals like a self-love cleansing routine that will help you unblock your chakras and release more of your Shakti energy. Journal your full moon experiences notice the patterns of your moods, emotions, and thoughts. The full moon is known to heighten energies and human behavior. #2: Take Advantage of the Full Moon Rituals We can choose to love and be happy, make our own decisions, say no and focus on ourselves instead. Consequently, we develop the power to choose.

the divine feminine mirror

These three questions help us to know ourselves better. That is, ask yourself, “Who am I?” “Why am I here?” and “Do I have a purpose?”. Take active steps to discover your true identity. 9 Practices to Unleash the Inner Shakti within You #1: Be Clear About Your Identity


Yet, when this free flow of Shakti energy happens, we develop a feeling of connecting to our True Nature, the highest power or light within us. Here, they dismiss the signs as a spiritual crisis, mid-life crisis, or even associate it with a level of psychosis. Secondly, some women are experiencing a Kundalini Shakti awakening without knowing it. Likewise, mainstream and social media channels misuse and abuse feminine energy by commercializing it in their branding concepts. We live in a patriarchal society where any show of divine femininity is a weakness. Likewise, our gender roles and childhood expectations make women overlook their feminine power. Moreover, we live in an over-sexualized world where sexual energy is no longer sacred. Not all women live their full potential by walking in Shakti energy because today’s society is characterized by overactive masculinity. Why Are Most People Oblivious of their Shakti Energy? More so, Shakti energy exists in all women at the base of their Kundalini, waiting for awakening. Therefore, Shakti energy becomes the personification of the divine feminine energy. As an ancient sacred feminine energy, Shakti inspires women to acknowledge their inner power of creations.

the divine feminine mirror

The concept of Shakti originates from Hindu mythology representing a force that liberates the feminine spirit. Hence, Shakti energy is a divine power often identified with a female being since mothers are the child-bearers in society. In the Hindu religious traditions, divine feminine energy takes the form of the goddess Shakti to symbolize the source of creation, maintenance, and destruction of the universe. This energy exists in both men and women to give us our identities. The divine feminine energy is one of the dual forces that form the foundation of the universe.

The divine feminine mirror